Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (EBAPE)
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Current Research Projects
My current research projects focus on the intricate dynamics of leadership and its profound impact on fostering positive work outcomes, and ultimately driving societal change. Some of my current research projects and working papers include:
The Power of Authenticity: The Link between Personal Authenticity, Leader Endorsement, and Social Influence (with Gustavo Tavares, working paper presented at the Academy of Management 2023).
Hue's in Charge? Dissecting Colorism in Electoral Landscape (with Juliana Carvalho, working paper presented at EURAM 2024).
The Price of Inclusive Leadership: An Experimental Study with School Principals (with Ula Lagowska & Liliane Furtado, presented at the 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium in 2024).
In the Leader’s Stead: The Role of Surrogates in Shaping Leader-Member Exchange Differentiation in Teams (with Liliane Furtado and David Patient, submitted for publication).